Chakra is the Sanskrit word for "wheels of energy/ light" that help to connect our physical body with our energy body. This is how we are able as human beings to feel, think, sense, and connect to a higher level of being/ consciousness. We have hundreds of energy systems running throughout our bodies and the chakras are one of the main dominant ones. They are connected through our nervous system branching from our spine, where we have the sushumna nadi (main channel where prana/energy travels through the centre of the spinal cord) that runs from our coccyx (root chakra) through to the top our head (crown chakra). We have 7 main chakras that connects us from the ground up. 1. Muladhara - Root chakra - Red 2. Swadhisthana - Sacral chakra - Orange 3. Manipura - Solar plexus - Yellow 4. Anahata - Heart chakra - Green/ Pink 5. Vishuddha - Throat chakra - Blue 6. Ajna - Third eye - Indigo 7. Sahasara - Crown chakra - Violet As everything is energy, chakras themselves have their own vibration. It is here where they have their own colour through the range of the infrared light spectrum. The lower the chakra in the body the lower its vibration. Not only do chakras have their own vibrations but they also have their own emotions, sound, relating organs and systems, as well as human behaviour and attributes. You may not be able to physically see or touch your chakras but you will definitely know about them if they are working overtime or being lazy. When these wheels are unbalanced they can create physical problems in your life. Whether it be from having ankle problems due to instability, to breathing issues from a broken heart and having trust issues, chakra balancing is key to helping you live a healthy, happy, connected life. Your body naturally knows how to heal itself and it is the reason why you sometimes feel more inclined to eat specific foods or wear a certain colour on different days. Your body is trying to heal and balance itself and intuitively you are doing it without realizing...isn't that amazing?! The more you learn about the chakra system the more you begin to understand the interwoven relationship of how everything about us is affected by everything within and without. And when you rise through the chakras you become less of an individual with selfish needs and desires, to becoming a more conscious collective being. I won't give too much away in this post, but if you would like to know more on the chakras then join me in one of my #WheelsInMotion workshops.