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Stop forcing nature

Theodora Spathis

Let's be honest, no matter how quick you drink that detox tea, or how many green veggies you cram in a day, if it takes your red blood cells alone 4 months to regenerate then it's going to take some time for your health and body to change. Just like everything in life there is a timing for things, and patience really does need to be a virtue in that "in-between" phase. Now don't take the first 2 paragraphs literally and sit back on your little buns and do nothing and expect change to happen. No, that is wishful thinking and taking manifesting to a Dreamworks animation film level. (ie. dream state/ non-existent/ crystal ball level) What you do need is a balance of Intention + Action + Patience. Intention... is the energy and purpose behind your goal, and this needs to be on the positive side (believe in your system/ plan/ goal/ dream/ yourself) what you need to carry out on a consistent basis for your goals to be realized. Without action you are just wishing and praying on faith Patience... this doesn't really need to be explained but it's something that you will need to carry out when you're internet connection is slow, and when things (sh*t) just happen along the way! NATURE FLOWS!!! We get so caught up in carrying out the first 2 elements in life that we forget about the 3rd...PATIENCE! When things are forced it goes against nature's way. Life naturally flows, yet our desire to have things almost instantly is creating a loss of depth, value, and trust within us and our process. Sometimes you just need to let go, so whatever you are working on at the moment, take 5 on it! Take a few deep breaths, look at it's value in your life (is it something that is benefiting you or holding you back?) and either take action on it or don't. YES inaction is sometimes a key element to your goals working out. We can become so focused that we miss the bigger picture in our lives. Sometimes we just need to go back to nature, look at how it deals with all it's forces, seasons, and elements and learn from it. Be patient with yourself in the process. Stop forcing change to happen. Let go of things that aren't serving you, and truly listen to your inner guidance.




Sydney, Australia

Global Practitioner  |  Mob: +61 401 073 823

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