So you might have pigeon toed feet, or your left eye slants more than your right, you may have little quirks when you are in public and get a tad uncomfortable, or maybe you say "umm and like" too much when you talk, but who cares...we are all odd, uneven and strange. You are awesome just the way you are, so before you go ahead and imitate someone's method of life, how about working on your already awesome talents and skills. You've already got all the tools you need, you just need to remember how to use them. Too often we get caught up in what other people are doing, their lifestyle, their happiness, their success, their physicality, and their online social media, but have you checked out how awesome your life actually is? Whether it be you being a parent (kudos to you for bringing souls into this world and nurturing their growth in the best way you know how to), or you working damn hard at your job because you enjoy it, or you having an amazing group of friends that are your rocks throughout all of your life's adventures, or perhaps it's the fact that you can say "fuck it" to life and hop on a train/ plane and go where your heart desires....what you are, and what you have created your life to be is amazing (even if you're in that shitty part right now). Sometimes we just need a little reminder on who we are, what we have and are creating is O.K. You don't need to be more than who you already are. You don't need to do more to fit in or to be accepted. You don't need to fit into size blah to be beautiful or handsome, or need to have crystal blue eyes. Once you accept yourself as you are and be more than OK with it, what you aspire to attain and achieve will happen naturally and organically in the right time.
People will also be attracted to your security and confidence. It's that saying that you hear people say"I don't know what it is but there is something about you". THAT is who you are at the core and allow that YOU to be seen and felt, because vibes don't lie! Stop rushing the process, stop thinking you need to be anywhere than where you are, and stay away from any plastic surgeons or magazines that will make you feel less than and that you need some work. Be you. Be YOUnique. Just BE and shine your light.