Eating fresh produce, drinking water and exercising daily supplies your body with a healthy internal environment to operate well. Reading books, studying, learning new skills and topics nourishes your mind and provides a healthy, positive environment for your brain to function. Surrounding yourself with supportive, loving, and encouraging people provides you with a safe space to be yourself and grow. Mother nature provides you with a clean, healthy, nourishing and supportive environment for you to live in when in her natural state. Environments are everything in life from plants to home to science labs. What I haven't yet mentioned is the fact that your body is filled with trillions of cells and whatever goes into your body physically, energetically, and mentally, provides a type of environment for those cells to live in. Cells reproduce all the time. Some last for a few seconds and some last up until your last breath. Now, have you ever stopped to think about the environment you supply for these cells to grow in? This could be the kind of food you eat, the products you put on your body, to the type of people you surround yourself with. What about your thoughts and emotions you have every day? Are they positive and encouraging, or are they limiting and counterproductive? What you subconsciously and consciously think about is what you are ultimately creating in your life. I think they call that Law Of Attraction/ Manifesting. Want to change the internal environment of your body to be healthier and more positive?
Well I've got a few affirmations/ statements to help you achieve that; but before you go ahead and say them, make sure your intentions are pure and free of expectation, because that will keep you exactly where you are!
I am happiness
I am health and vitality
I love and accept myself as I am
I love my body, take good care of it and radiate beauty
Every cell in my body is health conscious
I am gratitude
I am love
I am positive in all aspects of my life
and anything else you would like to make your own in I AM form.
Commit to saying some/one of these daily whenever it feels right to you, and see how they make you feel on the inside. Your environment doesn't change overnight, nor in just a week, but give yourself a chance to create some positivity in your life. As within so without.