"It's her fault, she made me angry and I lashed out!" Ummm, well actually this is not completely true and would you hate me if I told you that it was YOU that made YOU lash out?
She only made you become aware of the anger that was already residing within you and her words/actions hit your "angry pain" button.
Yes it's true, no one else can make you feel a certain way except for you as an individual. We can get mad about people disrespecting us, taking us for granted, and ignoring us, but we can only change how we react to them, not in how they choose to treat us. A little bit like "don't let your happiness be controlled by something you can't control."
What is within us can only come to light, just like orange juice can only come from the inside of an orange and not apple or pineapple juice. No one can pass on anger to us like a baton or a side dish, it is something that is hiding deep within that gets triggered by a memory in our brain and in our body's cells.
Taking responsibility for your emotions is one of the most empowering things you can ever do. You take power back from the emotion/s and own the way you feel. You become present to how you are feeling and realize that those emotions are yours and they can be changed through conscious awareness.
You can also heal these emotions as you bring awareness to them within the body. As we know emotions are energy that can become trapped in the body if they are not processed at the time they are felt.
It is quite easy to pass responsibility for how we feel and for the state we are in mentally, emotionally and physically. As grown adults we are aware that we can change our internal and external environments through our choices,and if you are not, well I guess you just became aware!
Now responsibility goes beyond juts owning your emotions. It is about accepting that you are at this point in your life through your own decisions, level of work and your belief systems.
The type of relationships you create in your life are through your conscious and unconscious decisions.
The level of happiness in your life is a conscious choice of how you see yourself.
The type of environment you live in is a reflection of your choices on what you like to b
e around.
Your health status is all about your lifestyle choices.
Your travels are through your conscious choices to pick those destinations.
Taking accountability and responsibility for your life gives you the driver seat in which way you take direction. It stops others from controlling you on various levels; financially,emotionally, mentally and in career.
Take back your power, empower yourself to becoming who you desire to be, create your dreams and goals into reality and account yourself for making those things happen.
Blaming others can almost be labelled immature. This is what growing up into becoming a responsible adult really means and not just a legal right to buy alcohol and drive because you're over 18.
The choice is yours.