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Ascension signs & symptoms

Theodora Spathis

If you are not already feeling the shift that is going on globally then perhaps you might be familiar with some of the symptoms as we go from 3D into 5D (D= dimension).

Headaches, increased sensitivity to heat/cold, increase in senses, changes in diet and sleep patterns, seeing glimpses of lights/ shadows, and increase of intuitive feelings. A Dimension is not a place or location, it is a level of consciousness that vibrates at a certain rate. Planet Earth has it's own vibration of 7.83Hz, and this is in line with the human frequency. Hence, when we are in nature we feel very connected and peaceful; our vibrations are in alignment. The higher us humans can raise our vibration, the more dimensions we can consciously experience and access; what we perceive as awareness of reality. Ascension is happening EVERYWHERE. Whether you like it or not you are changing, and it not only relates to humans, but to other planets and the entire universe.This is what 2012 signified with the end of the Mayan calendar and not the end of the world as people believed. The end of a consciousness that humanity has been at is now ascending into higher levels. Ascension you ask? Well nothing stays the same, it has to grow to learn and to expand and this is exactly what we are doing! Ascension is an acceleration of vibrational energy and expansion of awareness that leads to a shift of consciousness. Our DNA is being upgraded into higher levels of BE-ing which means we are being tuned-up and rebooted. Our old programs are beginning to fall away and we are embodying a lighter, more positive, loving and connected vibration. Changes occur on all levels. Mentally, Physically, Spiritually, and Emotionally. Before we get to the 5th dimension we first must go through the 4th dimension which acts like a purifying filter. Just like in the chakras the 4th is the heart, so as we go through this shift we are dealing with matters of the heart; love, relationships, doing what your heart desires, healing old emotional traumas, letting go of grief. It may be of no surprise to you in reading that the following is happening to you or to someone you know as the upgrade occurs: quitting your job for a more fulfilling one; wanting to use the money earned into helping build communities, support projects for better sustainability; ending long term unhappy relationships; divorcing partners; taking on a more spiritual path in life after a death of loved one... 5D This is where we are ascending to. As a collective we are moving out of a fear based, controlled and suppressed way of life and moving into a loving, peaceful, harmonious unified world working together for peace. You can see this happening all around you. Plastics ban, unified front against corporations, use of social media to spread awareness, coming together to help in times of un/natural disasters, de-funding projects that negatively impact the planet, helping refugees, creating conscious documentaries, supporting local businesses, animal rights and the list goes on. We are being brought together in the midst of all the madness, helping each other where we can because this is our true core nature. LOVE. There are many signs that you are now living in the 5D but here are the 7 basic ones everyone experiences.

  1. Daily feelings of joy, lightness, love and wonder, spacious, light, deep gratitude

  2. Heavy negativity will release easier. Learning how to let go. Releasing lifetimes of old traumas will happen in minutes/ seconds rather years.

  3. Increase in senses, will experience the world with greater beauty as colour spectrum will be wider

  4. Time will feel more fluid, eternal and illusory. No ill feelings toward how things are done. Understand that you are infinite.

  5. Constant unexplained synchronistic experiences and manifestations. Daily even!

  6. A knowing/feeling guided by something higher than your mind and imagination, greater silence, greater feeling of safety.

  7. Ability to access multidimensional body. (all matter = energy + consciousness : time + space = illusion) Anything you can imagine you can experience, time travel, be in 3 places at once.

I'm not manifesting that fast yet, and I would certainly like to be in different places at the same time, but it's a process and it could take me another decade or so to really feel this shift. However, the more meditation I do, the more raw vegetables my diet consists of, and the more time I spend time doing what I love, the transition into higher living will certainly happen faster. The exciting thing that I mentioned earlier is that yes, we are coming together, we are believing that there is more to life than bills, ticking the boxes of the system, and sticking to what we know. There is a huge shift going on with people becoming more aware of their actions on this planet, becoming more conscious of future generations and what can be done, changing resources for greater sustainability, less spending on materialism, a greater oneness that we are all in this together on this beautiful planet. Don't take the shift too seriously! Life is a process of growing, learning and healing. We are conscious energy and we have infinity to work on ourselves and experience life as we choose. We are not alone in this process of ascension. There are things, beings and energies I cannot explain or know about that are helping humanity through this transition. As we rise, the negativity and heaviness departs, as it cannot survive in higher vibrations and this is why raising your frequency is so important. Remember the higher your vibration the healthier and happier you are and more aligned with WHO you are. Perhaps those headaches you are experiencing is your consciousness expanding.

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