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The whining effect

Theodora Spathis

Now we all do this whether we'd like to admit to it or not. Complain, nag, moan and maybe rant for longer than we should. And why shouldn't we? It feels great to get things off our chest, and quite frankly the state of our political governments are less than impressive and more corrupt than your local drug dealer. BUT...and this is a big but, are you constantly whining and complaining about life and everything in between? One thing I have noticed since moving back in with my beloved parents, is just how often they complain about things. Unconsciously raising a voice about "who turned off the stove", or calling the TV a "hazo kouti" which means "stupid box" and having nothing of value to see, yet be on it every day!

Now for my parents this is normal conversation, and I have no doubt that this is the case in many households, but to me it's toxic and unproductive. It's actually no fun being around people who complain about anything and everything. I get it, we all need to complain at some point, but when it becomes constant, habitual and draining it's time to make some changes. I mean it's tiring listening to that same record, let alone be the one playing it! So what can you do? Either take yourself away from negative environments/ people, bring awareness to those who are complaining, and bring up the positive alternatives on their views. Constant whiners have a problem for every solution, and generally see the glass half empty. They are actually negative thinkers because of their own insecurities, fears and frustrations. Who has time for people who would put a wet blanket on your every dream? NOT ME! Now some people can't be avoided, like family members. Love them dearly and realize that this is the type of environment they grew up in all those years ago. This is THEIR belief systems and they have no interest in changing. That's ok, it's THEIR world and all you can do is limit your time with them, and show them that there are positives and other ways of doing things. Know your limits and your boundaries. Whiners, create whiners. FACT! Spend more time than you should with them and you become the very thing you don't like. Be conscious of your thoughts. There is a solution to every problem and it takes positive thinking minds to see them. Don't allow others fears and insecurities hold you back from your own goals and dreams. Surround yourself with the dreamers, doers and believers. Spend time with people who stimulate conversation about things that matter and not small gossip. There are many people out there who are doing their part in helping to make communities a little better, helping to raise awareness to what is going on and what can be done to improve life. Choose what makes you feel good and aspire to be more, and the transition of your environment internally and externally will change naturally. You may have been brought up in an environment that was less than positive, but you have the choice to change that environment to reflect a healthier and happier one.

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